Total Performance Oriented Retrofit (TPOR®)

Total Performance Oriented Retrofit (TPOR®) is our unique service package that integrates equipment retrofits with a sustainable building commissioning process to optimize the efficiency of mechanical, electrical, and automation control systems. When combined with our TPOR® service, Bes-Tech’s full-line of technologies help building owners and facility managers ensure and sustain the reliability of their systems while minimizing energy, operational, and maintenance expenditures. Over the last ten years, TPOR® has been perfected to provide each client with a truly effective building energy conservation model.

Bes-Tech’s TPOR® service is comprised of four levels:

  • Level I: Preliminary Energy Assessment
  • Level II: Detailed Energy Assessment (Investment Grade)
  • Level III: TPOR Implementation
  • Level IV: Performance Measurement & Verification and After-Care Service

In TPOR Level I, our engineers conduct a preliminary assessment to determine your facility’s unique needs and operational challenges and find the most optimal way to reduce energy costs.

In our Level II assessment, a team of our highly educated engineers spend approximately 1-2 weeks (depending on the size of your facility) evaluating your existing HVAC systems. We then provide you with a detailed analysis of your current systems. The collected data is analyzed using our computer modeling software and related algorithms. A weather-normalized consumption baseline is created based on the previous 12 months of energy consumption. At the very minimum, the Phase II report advises you of several immediate low or no-cost energy saving measures that can improve the energy efficiency of your building. Savings are demonstrated in both hard dollars (based on your current utility rate) and in verifiable reductions in your kWh and/or Btu consumption.

In Level III of the TPOR® process, we implement an on-line monitoring and FDD platform as well as agreed upon ECMs to include our Smart HVAC technologies. We also train your support staff to ensure they know how to operate and adequately maintain the newly installed ECMs and systems.  Therefore, we provide you with an efficient facility that performs well in all seasons as well as the tools needed to ensure that the performance is maintained.

Bes-Tech’s services do not end there. As part of our TPOR® Level IV after-care service, we work with you to make sure your new systems continue to function smoothly long after our TPOR® services end.  Bes-Tech validates that the estimated building energy savings have been achieved,  fully supports your facility for a guaranteed 12 months after system implementation, and works alongside the utility provider to ensure you earn all available incentives.  The on-line monitoring and FDD platform allows you or your team to continuously commission and optimize your system as well as to evaluate and sustain the resulting energy savings.